Is my work a good fit for this event?

Our call for submissions is open for anyone interested in showing or talking about their visual or written work in relation to politics, defined broadly.

How do I submit my artwork to be displayed, rather than presented?

For folks submitting non-academic or visual work, please attach examples of the artwork you would like to show and some description of your methodology, in the form of an artist statement or something akin. Please state whether you would be interested in speaking about your work during a panel for about 10-15 mins, or if you would like to simply display your art. We want to make this event as accessible as possible, so we are not creating firm requirements for submissions. Just send us your art and 150-300 words describing it.

Will my work be considered with equity if I am not affiliated with an academic institution?

Conference organizers are committed to an equity focus on reviewing presentations. We, right now, intend to equally weight the works accepted — we are aiming for 50% “academic” writing and 50% “nonacademic” writing. This conference’s sole purpose is to host an exchange of ideas from individuals working within, outside of, or adjacent to academic institutions. This event’s philosophy is to create a more accessible forum for sharing knowledge about art’s relationship to radical movements. Academia is an institution to be weathered, borrowed from, stolen from, and otherwise. Submissions from BIPOC and historically marginalized groups will be given diligent consideration, for no reason other than that we want ensure that voices that should be and want to be in the room are prioritized.

What is the deadline for submissions and where do I submit?

We will be reviewing submissions on a rolling basis until June 1st. Please submit your materials by email to stlsymposium@gmail.com. Formatting by PDF for writing and JPGs images is advised!